Abortion is one of the most inhumane things ever done to the human race. Abortion is robbing someone the chance of enjoying life...the same freedom you enjoy everyday.
In reality, abortion has nothing to do with a woman exersizing her rights. It’s really the government hiding behind population control. 80% of clinics are in black neighborhoods. The fact more black babies are aborted than born each day is the most racist act since slavery.
Think of the missed birthdays, that baby will never get to be married, ride a bike, fly in an airplane, graduate from high school, have kids of their own etc etc. Anyone who claims to want equality and respect for everyone, yet supports abortion is a liar.
Be it in the womb or out the womb, no one has a right to take a life! To witness life being created, grow, and birth is one of the most precious gift we have as humans. No one has a right to deny someone a chance at life because they themselves are alive.
According to this Veterinarians don’t even perform abortions on animals. But they say a baby has no right to live if a woman choses to. These people love the creature more than the creator. This a Roman chapter 1 generation
So according to this the estimation is 1 in 50 abortion have complications. So if 3000 abortions are performed each day, that means at least 60 women suffer from
- abdominal pain
- vomiting
- nausea
- vomiting
- diarrhea
- spotting and bleeding
- Heavy or persistent bleeding
- infection or sepsis
- damage to the cervix
- scarring of the uterine lining
- perforation of the uterus
- damage to other organs
And there are by far more than 3,000 abortion performed each day.
No one talks about the after effects of human mutilation aka abortion. No one talks about the emptiness and a broken heart a woman has after having an abortion. Or what about the man. At one point that man WAS a father. Likewise the woman was a mother. Now they have to live with the thought they will never see that child graduate high school, they'll never have a birthday party, unwrap a Christmas gift etc. That's heartbreaking just thinking about it. All those emotional moments will never come to pass because of abortion.
Abortion is merely an attempt at population control. It has never been about a woman’s choice at all. China did the same thing to keep the country from reaching 2 billion people on the continent. A family was only allowed to have 1 child. Any others would be aborted. The same evil minded people who brought in abortion for population control is behind wars, drugs, diseases being introduced into society to keep census count down. Thus by controlling people. But the population control is foolish thinking. Since less than half the world is even inhabited. If you drive just 30 miles outside the city, you'd see no civilization for hundreds of miles. There's plenty land to support the people, just no one ever thought to expand to the outskirts of the city and build a new establishment. Instead they just pile people on top of people. Just take New York for example.
"100% of all people who support abortion have already been born" - Ronald Reagan.
They’re arguing that a woman has a choice over her body, but it’s the baby’s body that is destroyed and sold for science's sake. It would be a total different thing if they gave a baby a chance to decide if it should live and the mother would die. The thing is it's also the man's baby as well. It takes two to tango.
Veterinarians don't even perform abortions on animals, yet people say a baby has no right. Look at how desensitizing that is. These people declare an animal has more right to live than a baby does. And I thought the animal worshippers were crazy.
If tree huggers, animal rights, PETA, Earth First etc... found out someone ripped a dog, horse, cat, bird from it's womb, they would burn the doctor and the animal's owner family at state.
One lady tried to make a point by saying babies aren’t even conscious until the 26th week, which is dumb already because that’s still a baby already...but then she said any time a man masterbates, that’s killing a baby. And first of all God never said sex was intended for creation only. That’s why it’s commanded to be fruitful and multiply. Otherwise God would of just said multiply. But what’s so dumb about that is Pro-lifers believe life starts at conception. And Christians don’t masterbate anyway. So if you’re gonna make the claim that life starts at ejaculation, then you contradict everything you march for. Saying a baby isn't declared a baby until a certain week of development, is like like saying an apple don't become an apple until it reaches a certain size and coloration. I’d love to see them tell a Muslim life don’t start at conception.
You can't even use the argument of rape because only a small percentage of abortions come from rape victims. The other 90+ percent are women who don't want to own up to their responsibility. Some say an unwanted baby shouldn't be born…well my question to you is, have you ever heard of adoption?
Abortion is genocide!
It's a well known fact that Margret Sanger founded Planned Parenthood to kill off the black population. Considering the fact that approximately 80% of abortion clinics are in black neighborhoods, it is mere extermination of one particular UNWANTED race. Big fact that the Democratic party is overly acceptive of the mutilation called abortion. By birth records, doctors report that more black babies are aborted each morning than birth. That means black people are being exterminated. And they have the nerve to call Republicans racist! And then to have a black president who is pro-abortion is absolutely asinine!
How can you talk about dreamers(DACA) and you kill millions of dreamers in the womb each year?