I was a fan of Nintendo for a while. Of course that changed when the SEGA Genesis came out. But nonetheless, Nintendo has always outdone everyone in sells…with the exception of Playstation the king of consoles. But we talk so bad about SEGA's mistakes in which they came out with too many consoles at one time. However, I never hear of no one bashing Nintendo for doing exactly the same thing. In fact, Nintendo made the Super Nintendo, N64, Gameboy, Gameboy Color, and Virtua Boy all in the 1990s. So if you're gonna be fair, you have to see they pumped out console after console since forever.
Now you fast forward to modern tech times, and you have a thing called backwards compatibility. This is one reason that made the PS2 become the most successful console of all times…home console that is since Nintendo has the record with handheld console. But PlayStation played all the PSOne games and even could use the old controllers and memory card if I'm not mistaken. When I get a new iPhone, iTunes backs up everything on my previous phone and puts it on the new one. That's what makes it worth while to upgrade cuz you don't lose anything. Then I can sell the old phone and make some money back. Nintendo should be familiar with backwards compatibility since they created backwards compatibility. The Gameboy Color played all the older GameBoys. And even the Nintendo 64 had a cartridge that played Gameboy games. That being said, I can't figure out why in the world would they make the Nintendo switch non-backwards compatible with the Wii or the WiiU. You can't play the games, or use the controllers from either Wii console. THAT'S OBSURD! I guess you can say they made the switch to the Switch. Even Playstation did this stupidness with the PS4. XBOX also did the same thing with the XBOX One. But at least they finally worked in Backwards compatibility in both consoles. Of course Xbox has way more options, but still that's where technology is headed now. This is not the 1990s where you trash a console and move on to the next one. I want to still play all my old games as well as the new one, and then hand my old console off to someone who can't afford to buy anything. It's like Nintendo started being Nintendo of the 1990s all over again.
Okay they gave the Switch an awesome lineup….that's good and all…but why couldn't they just make all those games for the WiiU. Grant it wasn't selling as well, but still killing off a console is dumb in 2017. And the thing is, the graphics still are the same as the WiiU. When you do an upgrade, the graphics are suppose to go up not level off. Just like the GameCube looked exactly the same as the Wii's graphics. Nintendo just stays the same for a while. They're not even keeping up with the current tech that's out now. I can see 3D because that was a proven failure from the 1980s that never took off. Hence the reason why 3D TVs only sold for about 2 years and you don't see them any longer. But the biggest deal now, is 4K graphics, HDR, Dolby Vision, streaming at high speeds. I have a 4K TV. I don't want to buy a $300 console plus spend hundreds more for something that only outputs games at 720P or at best on certain games 1080P. That's so 6 years ago!
Then I ask, what features does it have? Well…it has the ability to be a handheld console and a TV console if you're into the traveling gaming thing. It can use the same features of the Wii motion remotes. And there's classic Nintendo content coming out too. Buttttt there's no 4K content, no streaming features, no backwards compatibility, no apps, it doesn't even play DVDs or CDs. That's a basic console at best. My Goodness, the console uses cartridges! They went all the way back to 1996 with the N64. I guess they want to help the economy because lacking a DVD/CD player means you will have to buy one 3rd party. I know when I got the PS2 I didn't need a DVD player. And I still use consoles to play DVDs today. But still you got to have more features than taking the console dock and attaching make shift controllers. I don't want to take controller analogs and play noise sounds with them. And I don't want to take the console and make a controller out of it either. What's the point of selling the 3DS? Who has time to play games while on the go anyways? I'm not even sure why buy a portable game except to let you kids play them in the backseat. I have an iPhone with tons of games on it, and still don't play games on the go. I wait 'til I get home and then play the Xbox.
Bottom line, I think people who made rants left off many important features in things today. People bash the iPhone for not having a headphone jack, but who uses headphones these days? If you're gonna bash a company you should point out major flaws. Most Vloggers only said how ugly and small the controller looked for the Switch. It's major problems that I wouldn't pay for. It's 2017, and the main feature is stuff from 1996. Whereas you just turn on the console and game. That might of been worth $300 or even $400 in the 1990s, but not in 2017.