Why atheism SUCKS LOL

1. Whenever someone tells me they're anti-religious but Christianity is the only religion they hate out of the 70+ religions on earth, they really show me they're not anti-religious, they're just anti-Christian. This further proves God is real cuz the devil is anti-Jesus, anti-Christian, and anti-God. If you claim to be anti-religious but don't hate atheism, you're a hypocrite! #atheismSUCKS

2. Atheism is the belief that nothing, came from nothing, and formed nothing, and all of a sudden, we were born from monkeys. But for some odd reason we still have monkeys today. What kind of flawed logic is that?

3. If you google "list of religions of the world," atheism is listed as a religion. I'll save you time. Here's a link right here: http://www.religionfacts.com/religions, or this one http://humanreligions.info/.    
So atheists ridicule Christians for their religious beliefs, but they too have a religious belief. Can you say HYPOCRITE? So you're mad at me because you say I believe in nothing, yet you also believe in nothing, but my nothing created the earth, and your nothing created nothing from nothing. Yeah that logic makes no sense to me either.

4. An atheist can agree that stealing, lying, coveting your neighbor's things, a man cheating on his wife, a woman cheating on her husband, mistreating people, not paying someone to do a job, and killing is wrong...but say the Bible is wrong and all this came from the Bible. There's even laws after biblical commandments that they gladly follow. Maybe atheists should reconsider being atheists.

5. Whenever someone takes a stab at religion, it is always a shot at Christianity. Don't tell me you hate religion but all you talk about is Jesus Christ. Oh sure they'll say they hate everything after you point that out, but they will always back pedal to why God doesn't exist. Look, Christians are the only ones who believe in God. All the other religions believe in false idols. You can't tie God to all those things, especially when Christians are killed in those vary same countries for not bowing to the religion indigenous to the land.

6. All the hatred towards Jesus Christ only makes me more devoted to God. As I mentioned, Christianity is the only religion people love to hate. Being singled out further shows me I'm only serving the right God, and God is real also.

7. So why are there even have atheists, if there are devil worshipers? If a devil worshiper can believe in a devil, common sense should tell a person there is a God.

8. Getting mad at a Christian for believing in a God you do not believe in, is like me going to tear down Santa Clause decorations every Christmas.

9. Speaking of CHRISTmas, guess where the name came from? Jesus Christ DUH! Same thing for Easter Sunday. Someone must of believed in God to make it a national holiday. How many atheist holidays do you have....Christians 5 - Atheism 0.

10. People never say, "because I hate God, I don't want my holiday bonus for Christmas", or "I don't want my holiday pay for Easter because I don't believe Jesus Christ rose from the dead." People who don't believe in Jesus Christ never say I'm moving out of USA because their motto is "In God We Trust." Funny how they have a hard time believing in God but find it easy to spend money that says "In God We Trust" on it.

11. Atheist: I don’t believe in anything I cannot see. (Says it while inhaling/exhaling air) - Mind Blown!

12. Science has proven the Pyramids were from the Bible, physical remains of real crucifixions were found, Pharaoh's army was found at the bottom of the Red Sea, ripples have proven the seafloor did indeed stand up with water, bones of Giants have been found proving there were giants in the Bible days as the Bible says and so much more. Tell me now, how did a telescope foresee the beginning of the universe being made 200million years ago, when scientists can't even rewind back to last week with a Digital Camera?

13. The simple minded scientists say we came from monkeys because monkeys have similar hands like humans. Really? All of this technology and billions put into research and that's the best answer you can come up with? Fish have intestines, but I don't have gills and can't swim. Oh but that's the same logical conclusion they have for monkeys. The similarities makes us equal. Utterly ridiculous!

14. Why do evolutionists say things like "Oh my God" and not "Oh my science?" Plus science tells us that space is black, but the sky is blue. What is science not telling us?

15. Some say stop following God and get out there and seek answers. Seek what, evolution, atheism, science? Those things can’t answer anything I have been looking for. But ok here is your journey. Say I go explore the world. Wow, these are some beautiful mountains. These animals look exotic. People are on top of the food chain and most intelligent beings on earth. The water is perfect. I look up to the sky and think a God must of made this world. Come back home, learn Christianity, the rest is history.

16. The book of Revelation and Prophecies are unfolding before our very eyes and people still call Christians dumb for following the Bible. SMH

17. It is the devil in atheists that makes them hate Jesus. Notice they have no hatred towards devil worshipers. It doesn't bother them one bit that Satan cult groups are on the rise and soon will be inflicting pain all over this country. Atheists are living proof that God is real because they hate Christianity, the way Satan hates God. #atheismSUCKS

18. The Bible says in Psalm 150:6 let everything that has breath praise the Lord. That means atheists are praising God just by breathing air. Every breath you take you are saying Jesus I love you. Might as well go ahead and serve God.

19. If you break the word atheist down to the root, you end up with a theist. A theist is someone who believes in God almighty and the creation of the universe. They're rejecting what they were originally made for.

20. If atheists are so peaceful and moralistic, then why are there homicides involving an atheist killing a Christian? As far as I'm concerned they are my enemy. Although I hate no one, they probably consider Christians their enemy too. But who is persecuting who? Atheists killed Jesus. Atheists created the Hydrogen Bomb, atheists created the Hadron Collider, atheists put Christians in jail, atheists kill people who believe in Jesus in numerous countries, atheists think an operation can turn a woman into a man, or man into a woman but neither one can be traced to that sex by DNA or bone structure. All this hatred, death, and destruction they produce and they call Christians hateful, judgmental, and confused.  Then they have the nerve to say Christians hate people. Christians have morals called Commandments. Atheists do not follow the Bible, so anything is A-Ok with them...including killing people who worship this invisible God, and are minding their own business, and praying for peace on earth.

21. The irony is Jesus being singled out amongst every religion, people killing Christians, and people mocking Christians for believing in God is fulfillment of biblical prophecies. These people have no idea the same God they love to hate, they are proving God is real and they are fulfilling prophecy. Go figure.

22. There's approximately 1 billion Christians in this world. Look at how many people is not out there committing crime. You think this world is bad now, imagine how worse it would be with a billion more criminals on the streets. Christianity has cleaned more streets than police. Instead of ridiculing God, you ought to be thanking Him!

23. Whenever a person is convicted of a heinous crime, atheists will say things like "I hope you burn in hell." (BTW Christians are the only ones who believe in hell). So they will believe in God for just 3 seconds to wish the worst thing upon a person. If you have the faith to even say that, you might as well repent and believe in God.

24. God can save people who don't believe in God. Just repent. You'll feel better.
Tell God I'm sorry, forgive me of my sins, save me, cleanse my heart and mind (or repent). Ask God for the faith to believe. Believe in the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, and you will begin to understand life as a whole. God is real. Jesus Christ is real. Just search your heart and mind and begin to talk to God. You will feel the presence of God. Repent and be saved!