
50 reasons why androids SUCK!

I've decided to prove how much android phones suck!  #1 They get viruses and malware. How can a phone get a virus? It's a phone not a computer. #2 reason why android sucks: Opened ended OS software sucks. They have the same approach as Microsoft allowing any 2-cent tech company to use their software, and have the same problems as Microsoft too...fragmentation, viruses, and poor manufactured hardware. That's why android and Windows (PC and phones) suck.     #3 reason why android sucks:    It takes so long for apps to hit the google market that it's already old on Apple's market by the time android get it. #4 reason why android sucks: Batteries die faster than a fish out of water. Guess that's why they have to carry battery switch out when one dies. People with androids always have their charger on them cuz their phone has terrible batter...

Abortion is MURDER!!!!

The Two Political Parties never switched sides.

iPhone X is whipping android!

Nintendo Switch is a stupid idea!

Hebrew Israelites are the devil!!!

Michael Jordan is overrated!!

Why atheism SUCKS LOL

God is all around us!!!